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My ranunculus are finally here!

Well its been a long process.. I first chitted my raununculus corms back in October, they were then put in the greenhouse while I waited for them to sprout.. I think we nursed them over Christmas and in January my wonderful husband helped my make some mini polytunnels .. we cut rebar, some old plumbing pip, binder twine, bought some white plastic and then put them all together. Then out the ranunculus went into the tunnels and many a morning and evening was spent raising the sides of the tunnels to let in some air..and then wrapping them up at night to keep them warm. Finally, all my hard work was rewarded and a few weeks ago the flowers appeared and they are still going strong. They are so beautiful and are so appreciated at this time of year when the tulips and daffodils are over and the rest of the garden is still a way behind. Here are some in a beautiful spring bouquet in early May.  I think all the hard work is worth it.. and do let me know if you would like any!